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Setting up Your Own Affiliate Program -I

Written by yunitae on 10.40

Joining an affiliate program is a neat way to make money from your users. But
just as you can join someone else’s affiliate program, soyou can set up your own program and invite webmasters to sign up. So…what would that bring you? The same as you’re bringing your affiliate partners: deals. Every time someone sends you
a user who gives you money, you give a portion of that money to your affiliate. It’s an easy way to generate traffic and earn cash.And you don’t need to be a programming genius to set up an affiliate program. There are a whole bunch of companies out
there that offer entire affiliate kits right off the shelf.

Ultimate Affiliate lets you run a fully featured affiliate program from your website. It integrates with virtually every payment method, awards down-line commissions, and can handle high-traffic websites. You can edit the sign-up form to match the "look and feel” of your site as well as delete Some of the optional fields. The Administration area allows you to edit affiliates and commissions, create printable
reports of money due, export the data to a text file, view the traffic through your affiliate program, and much more.Your affiliates can log in at any time and see their traffic and commission statistics as well as change their information and get links and banner code. Once the program is set up you'll only need to log in once a
month to print out a list of the affiliates, their addresses, and the money owed. You can do this quarterly if you wish. You can export the payments owed to a text file in
PayPal's "mass pay" formaT and then just upload it to your PayPal account to pay everyone automatically. Or, you can simply write your own checks. If you have to pay a lot of commissions, there is a check printing service called Upload the file and they’ll print and mail your checks for a fee of about 80 cents each.

Alternatively, Locked Area Pro is an advanced member's area management system offering very good security that’s easy to maintain. The system provides a huge list of useful features including automated sign-up, user account validation, optional random password generation and an administration approve/decline account feature. It also comes with an extremely powerful control panel with an online administration of users, backup, and full customization facilities from the browser. A statistics system is also in built in. What more could you want? Cooking off the Spam
Any time you run a program Shere your affiliates rely on other signups to generate profits, you will eventually have a problem with spam. One of your affiliates will inevitably get it into their head to blitz the Web with unwanted garbage.
When this happens you need to be ready to take action—otherwise it will cost you! Your Internet company can boot you off your server and you can find yourself blacklisted. Not good for business. If you get an email from someone claiming they received spam with your URL, then take it as an early warning. I am not advising you to immediately terminate the affiliate’s account, but be sure to contact them to follow up on the complaint. Let your affiliate know you received a complaint and advise them to remove this person from their list.
If you only get one or two complaints, it’s probably not spam—the complainants might simply have signed up for an email list and forgotten all about it. You will know when one of your affiliates is spamming, because you will get anywhere from 10 to 100 complaints in the same day all regarding the same URL. The best thing to do in this case is to immediately terminate or disable the account of the affiliate URL that was spammed.

Advertising in newsletters

Written by yunitae on 10.33

We discussed earlier the advantages of having advertising space in your newsletters. In this article we will discuss advertising in other companies’ newsletters and how it can be as equally beneficial. By advertising in other newsletters, you can reach an audience which is highly targeted and cost effective.Moreover, you can never be accused of spamming as all the recipients have subscribed to the newsletter. There are so many newsletters out there covering so many different topics that it's easy to find highly targeted ones to advertise in.So if you've matched the newsletter to the product you're selling, you've reached your target audience to a tee.

Almost all newsletters are archived, thousands of people read these archives, and your ad will be seen by these people at no extra cost. This can bring in exposure and
extra sales on a long term basis. Besides, newsletter publishers may have already developed a trust between themselves and their readers. Just by placing your ad in the newsletter, it's more likely to be read because it appears in a publication they like and trust.
Newsletter advertising is not only effective, it's cheap as well. A 5 line ad in a newsletter that goes to 3000 people will cost you between $5 and $25 per issue. With so little risk involved, this is definitely worth it.

Keuntungan Trading di Marketiva

Written by yunitae on 23.17

Melanjut posting sebelumnya, saya akan coba bahas lagi tentang keuntungan menggunakan Marketiva.
Dengan Marketiva maka anda bisa bermain Forex dimana saja anda berada,selama ada komputer dan sambungan internet, baik itu di rumah, di kantor, diperjalanan, maupun di warnet. Selain itu anda tidak perlu berhubungan dengan para Broker maupun siapapun dalam melakukan transaksi, anda bebas menggunakan uang anda sendiri dan melakukan transaksi sendiri tanpa campur tangan pihak manapun dan tanpa harus membayar fee atau biaya jasa kepada siapapun. Anda bebas menentukan keuntungan yang anda inginkan dan bebas menghentikan transaksi yang sedang berjalan kapan pun anda inginkan. Sehingga
resiko kerugian dapat dikurangi seminimal mungkin.
Keunggulan Marketiva
1. Membuka Account Gratis.
2. Mendapat $5 Gratis.
3. Hanya dengan $1 sudah bisa bertrading.
4. Keamanan yang cukup bagus.
5. Memperoleh Software untuk bertrading secara real time.
6. Mendapat 1000$ uang virtual yang bisa digunakan untuk belajar trading

Berapa banyak modal yang saya butuhkan untuk memulai trading forex online ini?
Tidak seperti pada perusahaan finansial pada umumnya yang mensyaratkan minimal 2500 US$ untuk pembukaan account reguler dan 250 US$ untuk account mini, di Marketiva, anda hanya membutuhkan uang sebesar 1US$ untuk dapat mulai trading forex online, bebas biaya komisi, bebas biaya penukaran, tidak ada bunga overnight (0% overnight interest), spread yang rendah (3 pips),pemberitahuan berita terbaru, alert dan signal trading secara gratis, dukungan livechat 24 jam nonstop dan bahkan anda mendapatkan modal 5US$ secara cumacuma saat anda mendaftar pertama kali. Dengan kata lain, untuk memulai trading forex online di Marketiva adalah GRATIS!
