Written by yunitae on 17.15
-Title Tag
The title tag is written in the HEAD section of the Web page and after the TITLE tags. It’s usually the line listed in the search results as well. For example, the New York Times’ title tag is “The New York Times on the Web:Daily international, national and local news coverage from the newspaper, breaking news updates, Technology news,sports, reviews, crosswords, classified ad listings.”
That looks long, but the title tag is usually between 50 and 80 characters including spaces. Different search engines have different limits so you want to make sure that your most important words are near the beginning of the title.When you look at the New York Times’ site, you only see “The New York Times on the Web”.
The rest of the title is made up of keywords and phrases but in fact, you don’t want to put in too many keywords here.Just place one keyword as the second or third word in the title. Too many, and your site could be seen as spamming.
You can also list more keywords in the META Keywords and META description sections of the HEAD area, but because these areas have been so abused in the past, a number of search engines today will skip right past the title tag and go straight to the Web copy.
-Web Copy for SEO
The search engines will scan the text on a Web page to see if your site is relevant to the search term. That means that in effect, your Web copy is going to have to do two things:to persuade a customer to buy, and persuade a search engine
it’s relevant.
When you write your copy aim for about 500 words a page, but throw in between four and eight keywords. You’ll have to try to balance a smooth text flow with getting in all the keywords you need to be listed.You can also consider adding text-only pages such as how-to articles, tips or tutorials to your site. Throw in some keywords and they can turn up in search engines and create opportunities for link exchanges.
So there’s a few ways you can try to improve the position of your site in a search engine. More important than where you put the keywords is choosing the right Keywords. That’s not really a huge challenge as your competitors are likely to
have done the job for you.Of course, even if you do get everything right, it doesn’t
mean you’re going to shoot straight to the top of Google. One of the criteria for relevancy is how long you’ve been online, so success on the search engines won’t come
overnight. The sooner you start submitting though, the sooner you can start to rise.
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